DIVING DEEPER INTO YULIVERSE: Unveiling the $ART Airdrop and more info on Yulimeta App

3 min readDec 30, 2023

If you took action after my last article then your Yuliverse adventure has just begun 🫡, and you still have a lot more to do☺️.

But fret not, I’m here to tell you more ways to explore the world of yuliverse— unmasking the secrets of the Art Airdrop and Yulimeta App, these are two crucial elements that will propel your journey to the next level.

The Art Airdrop: Collecting Fragments of Beauty.

This is currently the last airdrop campaign going on in the yuliverse world before the long awaited listing coming up next year, it’s a campaign filled with intresting and easy task anyone can complete.

More tasks completed will earn you more yulipoints and more yulipoints will earn you more... You know what it is 😉


More $ART airdrop 🥳🎉💥

There will be 2 million $ART to be distributed in this airdrop, it was kicked started 12th December 2023 and it's going to end 12th january 2024.

Which means you still have enough time to get started, don't miss out on this great opportunity.

Join through this link to get started

Don’t forget to put my referral code to get more points 😉 Y96SEN


For the second agenda of the day

The Yulimeta App: Your Portal to Enhanced Reality

Do you know???

Yulimeta isn't just about walking around the street and finding some treasure to purify even though I know that's really awesome in itself.

The ability to use the Yulimeta App as your gateway to an immersive augmented reality experience. Discovering virtual treasures hidden within your own city streets, battling mythical creatures in your local park, or encountering fellow Yuli characters right before your eyes! That’s an awesome feat in itself. But yulimeta is not restricted to just that, it’s wayy more than that. I found a really interesting feature that’s not talked about enough.

The COA section.

There's the COA section right at the bottom left of the screen when playing yulimeta, it's a wonderful card game I really found interesting, its almost like chess, but different and you might think it's similar to woth also but also different, it's almost like mixture of both.

This is a game where you just don't play ur cards, a game where the stringer card might lose if not used appropriately.

There are set of rules and know-how available to assist you in playing the game,

I will advise you to read them carefully before you start, I’m pretty sure you will enjoy this, I dare say you might even enjoy it better than purifying Terra 😉, but that’s my thoughts on it.

I look forward to hearing your feedback after going through it.

Don’t forget by digging deeper into these details, you become more than just a player; you become an active participant in shaping the future of Yuliverse.

This is your time to embrace the mystery, explore the unknown, and prepare to be amazed by the secrets Yuliverse is holding.

So, adventurer, are you ready to unlock the hidden potential of Yuliverse? Dive deeper, gather your allies, and let the journey unfold!

See you next time amigos 🫡💖

